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A product to die for
Here you go. Proof that anything and everything is available for sale. I don’t know how many of these will be sold, but one figures that if they are putting in the time to build and market it, they expect that someone will buy it.
But who? Who is so detached from reality that they want this as their final statement on life?
As a “Star Trek” nerd who runs a “Star Trek” web site, there are certain things in geekdom that I can’t claim to be above. But I can on this one. Why, why, why oh why?
Who — seriously who — will buy this? How many orders do they expect to fill? If it’s more than one per year, I’d be very surprised. Or maybe depressed that someone would actually do this — or that their family might think this is what they actually want.
Are there worse things in the world than the idea of someone wanting to be buried in a photon torpedo? Of course. Are there dumber things? I doubt it.
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12 comments on this post
I’m not an enormous Trek nerd (I’ve never been to a convention, for example), but I like the idea of treating my own death jovially. I’d probably do this just to give everyone a giggle.
Hey, speaking of that Trek web site, I’m really on pins and needles to find out how that “Mr. Worf, fire,” thing works itself out….
Yeah, I have a feeling that whole “All TNG reviewed by Dec. 31” thing is going to be revised a bit.
Like it was last year. 😉
I presume that the people buying these ‘coffins’ will have a portly faux-Scotsman playing Amazing Grace on the bag pipes too?
If people want to waste their money on tat, let them.
This isn’t a dig at the US in anyway, but don’t you guys spend a huge amount of money on your coffins, sorry… caskets, anyway? Here in Englandshire the usual coffin is a pine box.
It is almost as if they invented the word ‘Casket’ just to get more money out of you.
“Gee Bob, we just aren’t making enough money selling these pine coffins. What can we do to ensure we can all afford this year’s ferrari?”
“Hey Steve!!! I’ve got it!!! Let’s call them ‘Caskets’ and increase the price by 8000%!!! We then apply emotional blackmail about wanting their loved ones looked after in the best way!!!”
Nothing says ‘I lost at life’ like getting buried in a photon torpedo. In potter’s field, of course, because it’s obvious you don’t have any friends.
Me? I’m getting cremated and having my ashes put in a bottle of Jim Beam.
I can’t say I would ever want this, but I don’t get what disturbs you about it so much. As Stef points out, most Americans spend a ridiculous sum on fancy shmancy coffins anyway. If you’re going to have all that money spent on your funeral, why not spend it on something that represents something that matters to you?
If you ask me it has nothing to do with ‘failing at life’. Destructor points out the idea of treating death jovially and I think he has a much better take on things.
They spend a lot on it because they tend to be open-casket funerals and they look good, respectful for the person to be remembered by at the last look.
If you don’t then it’s a plain box, maybe you’ve been watching too much TV when the funeral directors try to push out their expensive line-up. Funerals can be very expensive, but they don’t have to be.
What’s the difference between getting your favourite song played at your funeral and being buried in a coffin that comes from your favourite TV show? I don’t see what the big deal is, it’s just a coffin… wooden box or torpedo, it’s just something you are put to rest in.
I would have no problem with someone who was attracted to this idea. I can agree that maybe demand may be quite low, but I see no reason to belittle people who feel passionately about Trek enough to be buried with it. There have been much weirder things people have been buried in/with.
What would Jessica Mitford say?
Actually, I think the makers don’t actually expect someone to be buried in this… thing. What it REALLY is, is an attempt to cash in on the Star Trek fandom. I can picture two types of people who will buy this-
1) Hardcore Trekkies, who must absolutely have every bit of the franchise,
2) collectors of kitsch, who’ll stick the damn thing in the corner and tell their friends about the stupid thing they bought online.
I’m not sure how to feel about the coffin. I feel offended for all reasonable fans of Star Trek, who have seen their series exploited far beyond reason by all sorts. On the other hand, I feel contempt for the super nerds who can’t see past their obsession, so I must reluctantly applaud these vultures who made the damn thing.
I don’t get why almost everyone commenting on this post here is so dismissive and deprecative of the idea? Comments like “Nothing says ‘I lost at life’ like getting buried in a photon torpedo” and “I feel offended for all reasonable fans of Star Trek, who have seen their series exploited far beyond reason by all sorts.”, where the hell does this come from?
It’s almost as if you’ve collectively formed the idea that “anyone who buys such a coffin must be a huge nerd”, followed by “nerds are losers”, followed by “nerdy losers must be made fun of”.
I’ve read about musicians buried in coffins shaped like pianos or guitar cases, you can buy all sorts of custom-made coffins these days, shaped like boats or animals, at least in the U.S. and no-one is making snide remarks about that. What’s so sad, silly and “nerdy” about a coffin that’s shaped like a photon torpedo case? (Which is already coffin-shaped and was used as a coffin in star Trek III so it’s not such an outlandish idea.) In centuries past, famous people and nobility were often buried in churches in stone sarcophagi with a carved statue of their lifesized likeness lying on top. So what. Not to mention all the statues and custom-carved gravestones people put on graves (even in Germany these days after the laws that regulated gravestone shapes and sizes have been loosened).