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Battlestar Galactica: ‘The Plan’

At long last, I’ve posted my absolutely last review for Battlestar Galactica, for the TV movie “The Plan,” which debuted on DVD and Blu-ray nearly three months ago and premiered on Sci Fi Syfy a couple weeks ago. You can read the review over at the home office known as Jammer’s Reviews.

What’s really crazy is that this is, amazingly, the first review I’ve posted over on the main site since I consolidated the site’s RSS feeds such that they originate from the blog (thus necessitating a separate post like this). Can’t believe the last review I posted outside of the blog was the BSG finale so many months back.

Anyway, I promise that TNG reviews will again get under way, albeit probably slowly and gradually, in 2010. I’m also hoping to announce another blog/review project in the near future, so stay tuned for that as well.

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