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Caprica review: ‘There Is Another Sky’
Air date: 2/26/2010
Written by Kath Lingenfelter
Directed by Michael Nankin
Note: This review contains significant spoilers.
“There Is Another Sky” is the coolest gee-whiz episode of Caprica yet. It starts with a high concept (teenage girl trapped in VR nightmare) and from there envisions a sleazy, amazing, virtual reality world of hacked, user-generated content that thematically isn’t all that far removed from the gaming subcultures we have today (even if the technology is infinitely superior).
I haven’t been a gamer for a very long time, so I’m not sure what the closest analogues to this VR world would be today. I’ve heard of Second Life, but have never actually seen or played it (and for all I know it’s not even still the big thing out there). The closest I ever got to being a gamer was back in the mid-1990s, when I was playing Doom II deathmatches in my dorm room with my college friends. For a brief while, we were hardcore; we played a lot, and some of us even designed our own levels and released them out into the world. My one regret from that era is that the one decent deathmatch level I designed did not survive the various data transfers from computer to computer over the years. I somehow lost it and it’s apparently gone forever.
I digress. The technology of Second Life I’m sure makes Doom II look like Pong, just as the technology of New Cap City makes Second Life look like — well, Pong. The point is, people spend all their time playing it, and invest so much into an enterprise that isn’t real when they could be living their actual lives. Perhaps their lives are pedestrian or boring or lacking, whereas New Cap City is filled with wondrously elevated realities (yet paradoxically based on the real world; a character notes that the real-life maglev bombing has been incorporated into the game as of the latest release). There are massive zeppelins that dispatch fighter planes that strafe you with machinegun fire. Why? Hell if I know. But it’s pretty awesome.
Enter into this world Tamara Adama, who is not aware that she is, in fact, just an AI avatar whose real-life counterpart died in the maglev bombing. She wants to get back to the real world but can’t wake up. She is taken in by a band of gamers who want to win New Cap City (in the game, once you die, you can never return; surely hackers have figured a way around that?) and who discover that she doesn’t vanish when her avatar is supposed to be killed. Naturally, the gamers try to make her an ally and use her to their advantage.
One of the gamers is an otherwise nice boy whom Tamara befriends. “This game really does mean something to me. It actually allows me to be something,” he tells her. Tamara’s reply: “Maybe if you weren’t in here playing this game you could be something out there too.” Obvious and heavy-handed? Yeah, I thought so. Yes, the gaming culture is an artificial existence, but I think there’s something more substantive here to comment on than the obvious notion that everyone’s wasting their time in VR. I preferred (as Daniel does later) thinking about the implications of an entire world created by unauthorized self-publishers who essentially took the holoband and repurposed it for something far more ambitious, and apparently did it for free.
And how about this place? It’s the ultimate in sci-fi film noir, with period costumes, a muted color palate, harsh contrast, and a slightly surreal quality. This is a production triumph, and I hope to see more of New Cap City. Watching how this unfolds, I became aware that within New Cap City exists the potential for an entire parallel narrative that could be a VR adventure/anthology series.
Yes, the similarities to The Matrix are obvious — right down to the notion that Tamara can exist outside the rules of the game and bend them to her own will. (Like Neo, she’s increasingly impervious to bullets, she can make AI avatars vanish, etc.) But this was some pretty neat stuff, and I enjoyed the idea of a naive 16-year-old girl who starts the hour unaware that she’s even dead and ends it strolling through the barren streets of New Cap City, machinegun in hand. The implied question here is what happens when an AI based on a person who was not fully mature when she was copied is unleashed upon the world. Consider how the not-fully-mature Cylons in BSG saw humanity as their parents; now draw a line back to Tamara and Zoe, and you see a race of AI that was perhaps literally established from children.
To further illustrate that point particularly ironically we have Daniel Graystone, facing a boardroom coup that vies to oust him from his own company. His response is brilliantly played: He marches confidently into the boardroom with the U-87 (aka RoboZoe) and declares that holobands are dead as a business model because, essentially, there’s no way for sales to compete with more in-demand — and free — user-generated content like New Cap City. (As someone who works in the newspaper industry but writes far more words for free in a profitless online venture, I admired this acknowledgement for its undeniable and yet refreshing honesty.)
The future, Daniel says, is in building a race of machines that will happily do the work humans don’t want to — and without ever needing a salary! He orders the U-87 to rip its own arm off, which plays like the ultimate ironic demonstration of hubris. (Missing here, perhaps intentionally, is the obvious payoff shot of Zoe with a missing limb; what might her facial reaction have revealed?)
“Do not underestimate the enormity of this creation,” Daniel says, in a sentence that drips with irony. Is this hopelessly transparent? (After all, how blind are you if you intend to create a sentient machine race while being oblivious to the danger that, gee, they might get pissed off that they’re being exploited?) Maybe it’s transparent, but it’s still a great scene, and it shows how being a BSG prequel can play to Caprica‘s advantage.
And now to pop several caps in your ass:
• The other story here is of Joseph’s battle for young William, who is quickly taking to Sam’s Tauron ways. This was reasonably portrayed (particularly the Tauron rites of closure for the deceased), but didn’t strike me as urgently as the show’s other elements.
• Was I the only one who found it impossible when Daniel came strolling in with the U-87 not to think of that famous boardroom scene with ED-209 in RoboCop? Part of me — okay, all of me — thought it would be awesome to see RoboZoe open fire on the Graystone Industries board of directors.
• I liked how the Graystone marriage was realistically portrayed as a support system between two adults who have long known each other. When Daniel faces a tough situation, Amanda pulls out reassuring history from long-ago trials to remind him of past successes.
• The look of Caprica this week really was something, in terms of production design, cinematography, and CGI. I already mentioned the look of V-World and New Cap City, but there’s also that massively impressive, cold, arid boardroom, and the vistas of the city in various shots through windows. This is shaping up to be a great-looking series, impressively imagined from a visual standpoint.
• There’s no Clarice, Lacy, STO, or GDD this week. And I can’t say I missed them, frankly, since that plot is easily the most impenetrable part of Caprica thus far.
• I had meant, but forgot, to mention the amusing in-jokey use of the original BSG theme last week. I will, however, remember to mention the use of the Adama theme in this week’s outing. A nice nod.
• Compelling hook at the end of the show: Just as Joseph seems able to move his family forward from the tragedy, Tamara’s online friend shows up to tell him that Tamara’s avatar has survived in V-World. And so the obsession continues. Poor Joseph, forever haunted by the computerized ghosts of the dead.
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20 comments on this post
As much as I loved the New Cap City parts of this episode, I think the Tauron funeral managed to blow every great thing this show has done so far completely out of the water. For some reason it completely hooked me and I really bought into the sentiment they were going for. The Adama theme song dropping in at the perfect moment (right after McCreary’s best work yet on Caprica) sealed the deal for me.
I really felt like the show turned a corner with this episode. A good one.
This was the first episode where I thought Caprica lived up its premise and to BSG. The Tauron funeral rite was great too. Just similar enough to Earth to impact the audience.
Anthony Aguilar
Again, I thought that this episode jumped around way too much. Even though the STO and GDD were largely absent from the episode, it still felt a little too fragmented for me. I would have liked to stay in V-world for longer than the two or three minutes at a time that we were allowed. The story between Sam, Joseph, and Willie Adama could have been a whole episode in and of itself in the classic BSG kind of way.
I get the high rating. This was a very good-looking episode with some interesting plot points and things to look out for in the future. I just didn’t feel like a consistent whole episode, but more like three stories from three episodes spliced together randomly. Still, I watch the show because it is compelling and the writers have proven themselves with BSG. I know it will get better from here on out.
Fantastic episode; another great review.
few things:
I really appreciated the continued respect toward the classical Greek inspired mythos that informs the worlds these characters inhabit. The Tauron funeral was well-done, and the music fantastic; the vocalist did great and how it leads into the Adama family theme was more thana little touching.
oh well. so those proto-Vipers they kept showing in ads leading up to this episode ended up being kinda pointless and only exist in the V-world (at least as far as I know at this point).
Absolutely could not believe how well done the VFX are on this show…Not just New Cap City, but the other little things, such as the boardroom shot where Cyrus walks in and tells Daniel about his votes and walks out. stunning.
I didn’t quite get why the kid would run away from Joseph after telling him about Tamara. Does he hate the real world that much?
how about Willy’s aim with big rocks? awesome.
TA: So this whole city is like a Game?
Gamer: Yeah. It’s kinda like a different version of Caprica City. They update it so it matches…
TA: OK, what’s the object of the game?
Gamer: It’s a mystery. It’s almost like, figuring out the object of the game *is* the object of the game. But we think it’s about getting things that convert into points, like money, or weapons –
TA: So no one’s ever finished it? Or won it?
Gamer: Not yet. There’s this thing – when you die in the game, you’re out – you can’t ever come back…
And that is when I knew: Caprica is going to be a very awesome show.
Finally starting to feel engaged! I am so happy with the Tauron story line (except the fishing expedition). I wish we could see more of Sam’s home life – the dichotomy between his job and his solid marriage & relationship with Will is delicious. Good to finally start seeing some believable moments in the Greystone relationship. Glad to see that Tamara is getting a unique story line – the lost little girl thing was getting old.
I’m betting that the kid running away was a clumsy plot device. Sort of like Zoe getting blown up on the train. I know she needs to be dead, but why would her boyfriend of all people want to blow her up?
Yes finally a great episode and a great science fiction story. Now i’m really engaged!
This episode was awesome. I definitely want to see more of Nea. Her story was great.
Great Review and I agree 100%!! I’m really starting to see the great potential in this series
Jim Carey
“And now to pop several caps in your ass:”
Not your best literary device.
This ep was indeed awesome. I was getting the robocop vibe too from that boardroom scene. As for the VR game, you gotta wonder if people stay in there so long that they dehydrate/starve. It wouldn’t be to far removed from some internet stories about obsessive World of Warcraft players.
[/rant] P.S. you should post a blog about 24 so I can rant about the Dana Walsh subplot that refuses to die. 🙂 Just when you think its gonna end, they come up with more lame shenanigans next episode. [rant/]
^ You know what? I’m gonna do that. I’ve been tweeting about it, but that’s not enough.
Jammer what happened with the review of “know thy enemy”?
Can we just slap on a big “SPOILERS” heading and discuss the next two episodes here?
I’ve been holding back a rant about the STO story line so long that I think It’s getting impacted.
I understand all about commitments and time pressures, but I also would like to read about and discuss the episode while it is reasonably timely. Now we have two eps in the queue, with the mid-season finale coming in four days.
we love reading your reviews Jammer, so please take our impatience with all due love and honor! 🙂
Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such unilateral praise for an episode I really did not enjoy all that much. I thought it was definitely the weakest episode of the series so far.
First, I felt we hadn’t seen enough of Tamara yet to care for her plight, and her transformation from scared teenage girl to ‘nea’ of the V-world went way too quickly. The characters she encountered were derivative, not just of the Matrix but of pretty much every other VR story I’ve ever seen.
Zoe’s only scene was awesome though.
Battlestar Fan: sorry for taking fovreer to get back to you! Indeed, it sounds so appetizing Joe B.: I’ve got some very fuzzy memories of The Jetsons bumping around in my head, but it’s been a while, and when I was a kid I didn’t care much for the show. How does Jane’s kitchen work?Regarding Lee’s weight: that comes out later in the series, I believe. Essentially he got lazy as he went up the ranks and stopped exercising / taking care of himself.
I supposed the evocation of Robocop was deliberate.
Daniel asking the board members about *their* discomfort plays on *our* knowledge of the abiding threat.